Thursday, 29 April 2010

Well, once again it seems that immigration has landed fairly and squarely, like a burning meteorite at the heart of the UK election campaign. This time it is not being toted as the domain of the radical and rabid far right, or even the left leaning liberal chattering classes. This time, it has been snatched from the mouth of a Rochdale pensioner, off for a loaf of bread no less, and splashed across the global media, like a worm snatched from the mouth of a baby bird- still warm, still wriggling and still as indigestible for most politicians.

There is no doubt that immigration is a political hot potato, and that a reasonable well informed debate about controls on who comes and goes into a country is necessary for security, planning and social cohesion. I am however, amazed at the reactionary nature of the popular debate, as politicians and political commentators alike 'flip flap' from being 'tough on immigration- tough on the causes of immigration' to 'valuing' the contribution of newcomers to our shores. This has at least given me one of my favorite soundbites from the campaign to date.

"What I want to know" spat one irate burgher, "is where are all these Eastern Europeans coming from" **~~""!!!!!

I know that I have given up throwing things at the television each time I here a diatribe prefaced with the remarkably hackneyed justification...."I'M NOT RACIST BUT..." . I am however beginning to wind up my pitcher's arm to let fly with a steady aim, the next time I hear one of those jockeying for power and influence, seek to prove that they are in touch with 'the mood of the people' by proving how illogical and mean-spirited they can be, and how they can catch the wave of popular` opinion by aligning themselves with 'us' rather than 'them'

I have declared my colors in the past, as being for integration over assimilation, but I am now beginning to lose patience with the argument which says that the UK should put the wagons in a circle, pull up the drawbridge and man the barricades [ a great opportunity for multi-tasking there]. This would be a weak enough approach on its own merits, but when loaded with the inevitable caveats that those within our shores should be entitled to leave and settle at will, any other part of the planet, without restriction, it leaves me with my jaw on the floor.

So what, says who, who cares? More than we think I suggest. It is time now for those who have a more open minded approach to internationalism to stand up and be counted, in order that those who talk tough and would lead the UK towards an isolationist agenda do not win the day.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Mike,
    I have heard this sentence so many times: I am not a racist, but....

    Do you know this educational material about this topic?

  3. Thanks Timi.. I will look at this. It seems a very interesting concept. Hope to catch up soon

    M ;]

  4. My friends commenting in characters [Chinese] which I sadly cannot read. Is it possible for someone to translate these comments as I am very keen to know what you are saying.

